specel post on raya ke3 aku~~
coz aku xp mn2,,
tp aku pgl best frens aku mai umh,,
xda menda pn nk jamu,,
mama aku wat nasi lmak ja,,
dpa ni smp2 lunch tme,,
mmg kbulur abis la,,
licin dpa mkn,,
xpa i like..
oh lupa..
dpa ni my best fren from astech...
ofcoz la,,
wani,nisah,munet,mad n afif...
k la..
main point kt sini is..
raya k3 mrupakan ari farewell munet bsama km...
munet going to fly to UK...
n now munet mmg dh kt UK tme aku wat entry nih,,wawawaw...
love u munet..
love my frens...
so here sme picture shares...
byk ja dlm fb aku,, sini letak p rr skeping 2..
km bg shawl adiah kt munet..
nangis dia~~
Monday, October 19, 2009

dh hbs sbulan raya,,hahaha..
halal ja rr ek,, jnj aku buat jg~~
tp aku wat pn xda la crita lgkap2,,
sbb mls,, aku mmg mls,,
wawawa raya 1st,,
n its mmg unbelievable,,
aku raya wth anne..
my dear...
pg raya cm besa la wth family,,
then noon msg dgn anne,,
dia ckp bsn..
me pon ckp meh la raya bsama..
then i picked her up,,
at SP,,
then directly from sp..
xda hala tujuan,,
i drove to PERLIS...
xtaw nk g mn,, bedal ja,,
g umah arm..
umah paan..
umah syada...
stiap umah pegi smua aku bantal makan,,
mmg perut cm nk pecah sial...hahahah...
anne pn sm ja cm aku,,
ptt la km nih awarded as king n queen makan,,
then pas p umah syada,,
km pon blk umah alor star,,,
lth sial...
tp smuanya cm xpcaya ja pa yg dh tjadi,,
aku leh p umh paan yg aku bkn knl sgt..
aku leh p umh arm, aku xbpa knl,,
bedal ja~~~
then mlm tu pas mnd smyg smua aku n anne lpk ats ktl,,
pillow talk tme,,
nama pn pillow talk,,
mmg mcm2 yg ditalkkan la,,
from heart to heart..
love it...

raya kedua...
aku bgn pg siap2 smua dgn anne..
lpk mkn brekfast,, then siap2,,
g SP,,
antr anne blk,,,,,
smp SP mkn lg,,,
then aku trus g perlis,,
umah dad aku laa,,
p dgn adik2 aku,,
then smp umh abh mmg aku lth sial..
aku ttdr...
pas tu aku jnj nk g raya umh wan..
trus dia ngamuk..
aku xp..wawawa,,
sowi la xsngaja.. im damn tired....
then bgn2 ja mnd smyg smua,,
g braya umh ayahlang n toksu..
adik bradik blah abah aku laa..
then grak p umah maktam jap..
amik anas,,my cuzen..
then trus drve bc to aloqstaq smp alor staq..
mnd smyg tdr~~
rya ke3..
xg mn2,,
tp utk raya ke3 aku open new entry la ek...
pictures tme~~~
love song~~
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am home again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am whole again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am young again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am fun again
However far away, I will always love you
However long I stay, I will always love you
Whatever words I say, I will always love you
I will always love you
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am free again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am clean again
However far away, I will always love you
However long I stay, I will always love you
Whatever words I say, I will always love you
I will always love you
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
lonely soldier boy~~ sang by hujan...
erm nth papa pnya post!!
i hv no other way to let the pain flow..
so u r my page my diary i wrote here express hre wat ever happen already happen just let it go..
follow da flow of time~~
some1 told me frenship is more meaningfull compare to a relationship..
i did agree but sudenly i wonder if there is no wonderful n meaningfull relationship??
people nver realize a meaningfull relationship actually start wth a simple meaningfull frenship...
anybody agree wth me??
i guess mayb a few agree n also mayb thousand hand pick as not agree...
watever ur opinion is,,
im tryg to setle down d...
wat is frenship to me??
i am a fren to all of my frenzz but are all my frens a fren to me??
i nver think bout it,,
coz i nver want to noe the fact of it..
im afraid it will cause pain in my heart...
let it b it ways..
my head being to crowd wth all maters...
wat should i do? i nver noe how to burst out my temper..
how to let my pain flows..
i also nver noes how to forget the pain the love the care the frenship...
watever i am now..
i love all my frens...
no mater wat...
life must go on...
keep on ur life syazana..
coz only u love urself..
no one wll love u anymore...
accept ur family...
love all
x.0.x.0 sakura miyuki sang by hujan...
erm nth papa pnya post!!
i hv no other way to let the pain flow..
so u r my page my diary i wrote here express hre wat ever happen already happen just let it go..
follow da flow of time~~
some1 told me frenship is more meaningfull compare to a relationship..
i did agree but sudenly i wonder if there is no wonderful n meaningfull relationship??
people nver realize a meaningfull relationship actually start wth a simple meaningfull frenship...
anybody agree wth me??
i guess mayb a few agree n also mayb thousand hand pick as not agree...
watever ur opinion is,,
im tryg to setle down d...
wat is frenship to me??
i am a fren to all of my frenzz but are all my frens a fren to me??
i nver think bout it,,
coz i nver want to noe the fact of it..
im afraid it will cause pain in my heart...
let it b it ways..
my head being to crowd wth all maters...
wat should i do? i nver noe how to burst out my temper..
how to let my pain flows..
i also nver noes how to forget the pain the love the care the frenship...
watever i am now..
i love all my frens...
no mater wat...
life must go on...
keep on ur life syazana..
coz only u love urself..
no one wll love u anymore...
accept ur family...
love all
x.0.x.0 sakura miyuki
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