Foods r really tempting..arghhh..wanna know something??since today last day before menjelangnya ramadhan..I pun g timbang berat..damn u berat aku naik 5kg..haishhhh..gara2 makan tak hengat sebelum puasa..ok esok dh start puasa..agak2 bulan puasa nnt berat aku akan bertambah kaa berkurang?tapi kalau berkurang pun mesti takdanya nak kurang sampai 5kg kan..sobsob..pastu raya nanti kompem makan tak hengat lagi..adoila..kena beli baju yg loose la tahun ni..ahaksss..apapon aku dah kegemukan gilaaaaaa.. :'(
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Picture from my final year of study in UTP..they r my buddies..we love picture+hanging out togather..we love being togather to have fun..I miss the moment with my friend..
Tajuk out!huhu..pic was taken time kitorang bajet2 nk masuk ANTM hehe..
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Tajuk out!huhu..pic was taken time kitorang bajet2 nk masuk ANTM hehe..
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Sampai mati pun belum tentu kau miliki apa yang sepatutnya kau pohon dari ku..
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Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
I need sweet I need cool I need happiness!!my heart ache like hell..
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Keikhlasan seseorang dapat dilihat dinilai dari cara percakapan..lentok liuk perbualan..penggunaan perkataan dalam perbualan..
Semua perkataan membawa nilai keikhlasan tersendiri..
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Semua perkataan membawa nilai keikhlasan tersendiri..
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Monday, July 25, 2011
ramadhan bakal menjelang..syahdu nya..
rindu zaman study dulu..
mesti kitorang dah kecoh2,,
nak masak ak bulan puasa,,
nk spare apa utk sahur,,
nak sahur luar ka sahur dalam,,
nak bangun sahur kul bapa,,
ahhhh rindu my Uni life..
apa pon im welcoming my 1st Ramadhan this year as my 1st year officially graduated n employed..
maka duit raya pun bakal menjadi rencana..
berapa yg aku mampu hulur,,
kena keja keras ni nk hulur duit raya..ahaks :P
baju raya tahun ni agak2 mama abah bagi peruntukan ak untuk aku,,
ka aku dh kena beli pakai duit sendiri?
p/s:gambar semua curik gugel jak,,mana2 yg terambil dr blog sapa2 harap maaf ya..
She's my BFF..months I haven't meet her..I guess I need to meet her..lots of things I should say to her..I miss her..
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Shop till Drop
Indahkan kalau boleh shopping cm manusia ini..pick n pay..I love it..
Actually I'm a person yg suka shop bila stress..oh noted here stress but bermoney ok..kalau streSs tak berduit boleh jalan la..
Ya aku anggap shopping is one of my therapy in handling my it works?
When I stress I looks over something new..
When I bought it I own something new..
Its a kinda feeling which it kick off da bad+stress feeling away..
Like u feel ur mood with happiness having things u like+new..
Automatically its flushed away the stress :D
When its came to my rational thought..I might be added some stress some more when finally after shop I become broke..ulalalaa..that was disaster!!so I hate it..
I love shopping..I hope I always have lots of money to spend :D
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Actually I'm a person yg suka shop bila stress..oh noted here stress but bermoney ok..kalau streSs tak berduit boleh jalan la..
Ya aku anggap shopping is one of my therapy in handling my it works?
When I stress I looks over something new..
When I bought it I own something new..
Its a kinda feeling which it kick off da bad+stress feeling away..
Like u feel ur mood with happiness having things u like+new..
Automatically its flushed away the stress :D
When its came to my rational thought..I might be added some stress some more when finally after shop I become broke..ulalalaa..that was disaster!!so I hate it..
I love shopping..I hope I always have lots of money to spend :D
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Few days ni feel tidak sihat..tekak sangat perit nak telan air liur pun seksa..dah begelen air aku paksa diri ku minum..dah beketul strepsils aku kemam..masih tak baik..end up pagi ini aku g clinic..nah kau doktor ckp kau dh kena infection..breathing in unhealthy air..aiyoyo..amik kau belambak ubat doktor kasik..hurm..nak tak nak kena la makan..aku taknak la sakit..nak puasa dah ni..sobsob..
Doakan aku sehat :)
Kalau masih tak baik dalam masa 2ari doktor suruh follow up..urghhh scary..harap sehat la ya :)
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Doakan aku sehat :)
Kalau masih tak baik dalam masa 2ari doktor suruh follow up..urghhh scary..harap sehat la ya :)
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Dulu kini selamanya
Dulu kini selamanya..
Ku cinta kau..
Ku sayang kau..
Ku kasih kau..
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Ku cinta kau..
Ku sayang kau..
Ku kasih kau..
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Hek eleh kau
Hek eleh kau..
Bukan bermakna bila ku bilang..
Dunia ku milik kau..
Kau bisa porak perandakan ecosistem dunia aku..
Hek eleh kau..
Bukan bermakna kasih ku dambakan untuk kau hanya untuk pandang sinis kau..
Tak perlu kau hebah kau hebat..
Tak perlu kau kecoh kau Jebat..
Tak perlu kau megah kau Tuah..
Tak perlu kau kerek kau menarik..
Tak perlu kau untuk begitu..
Hek eleh kau..
Bila kau tahu aku untukmu..
Kau kerek..
Kau senget..
Kau guna aku..
Kau pakai aku..
Sudah lah kau..
Prepaid pun ada expired date..
Inikan aku..
Hati sang manusia..
Yang punya luka..
Bisa bertambah nanah..
Tak perlu kau ulang..
Menggaris luka aku..
Sudah lah kau..
Berambus dari dunia ini..
Dunia ini!
Bukan dunia aku sahaja..
Berambus la kau!
P/s:karya merepek diwaktu maghrib..takda kena mengena antara yg hidup mau pun mati..tak da kena mengena dengan gambar..tak da kena mengena..just rencana tangan dan syaitan untuk melengahkan aku solat maghrib..
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Bukan bermakna bila ku bilang..
Dunia ku milik kau..
Kau bisa porak perandakan ecosistem dunia aku..
Hek eleh kau..
Bukan bermakna kasih ku dambakan untuk kau hanya untuk pandang sinis kau..
Tak perlu kau hebah kau hebat..
Tak perlu kau kecoh kau Jebat..
Tak perlu kau megah kau Tuah..
Tak perlu kau kerek kau menarik..
Tak perlu kau untuk begitu..
Hek eleh kau..
Bila kau tahu aku untukmu..
Kau kerek..
Kau senget..
Kau guna aku..
Kau pakai aku..
Sudah lah kau..
Prepaid pun ada expired date..
Inikan aku..
Hati sang manusia..
Yang punya luka..
Bisa bertambah nanah..
Tak perlu kau ulang..
Menggaris luka aku..
Sudah lah kau..
Berambus dari dunia ini..
Dunia ini!
Bukan dunia aku sahaja..
Berambus la kau!
P/s:karya merepek diwaktu maghrib..takda kena mengena antara yg hidup mau pun mati..tak da kena mengena dengan gambar..tak da kena mengena..just rencana tangan dan syaitan untuk melengahkan aku solat maghrib..
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Contest Aku Berpuisi-Suara kau Sia-Sia

joining a contest from mohamadazhan click there to know all the rules n regulation k..jom join mari berpuisi..ahaks,,suka suki ja kan,,
ok wanna invite or tag AkuroAizawa,PelangiMerahJambu,SukaSukaMenulis to join it too..
Menjerit terpekik terlopong sini sana..
Bangga sebegitu..
Punya kekuatan keberanian sebegitu..
Namun kau..
Sedarlah semuanya sia-sia..
Selagi kau belum menjalankan tanggungjawab kepada negara..
Tak guna kau berbangga..
Tak guna kau mencebik mencemuh..
Tiada siapa dengar suara kau..
Selagi kau belum bertanggungjawab..
Ayuh lah kau..
Jalankan tanggungjawab kau..
Sebagai insan Malaysia..
Ayuh lah kau..
Mendaftar nama kau..
Agar kau punya hak untuk menjerit melopong pada dunia..
Agar kau punya hak untuk bersuara..
Kau bertanggungjawab..
Kau berhak bersoal jawab..
Jika tidak..
Kau bisa duduk mendiam jangan menggasak..
Biar suara kau hanya suara sia-sia..
P/s: MaizatulSuraya,,im joining it because if u :P
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Friday, July 22, 2011
Analogue dan Aku
as i mention in my previous few post i own a Diana Mini a lomo first roll are ready..will share here few of my work,,weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...
pic ni xbapa menjadi but i like right one pic..multi exposed! |
suka nisah with flowers.. |
pic ni cam leh bikin drama
he is looking at her while she is so passionate on her flowers..
love it!
always like nisah on flowers |
nisah on my multi exposed mode :D |
pic ni cam sila cari perbezaan dlm 2pic ini,,hahaha captured by sopi.. |
left pic r accidently being half of his body but i like the accident effect.. |
love the bright colour.. |
right pic is one of multi exposure pic yg i suka :D |
ok pic ni i snap sendiri..mmg ssh nak snap muka sndiri sbb bkn mcam digital camera kt leh tgk angle taking n dapat capture muka kita ka tak,,but it turn out it :D
randoms in UTP view.. |
anna in dark side,,while ana n anne in bright one,,weeeee |
left is multi exposed pic but to much light..right is my grandpa but not enough light.. |
suka pic my 3 cousins here so style..pic on left too bright but i still like it.. |
cool!! |
cousins n sister |
cousins |
nah this all the result from my first roll,,
hope next will be better,,
this first roll was taken on 100 colour agfa film..(if not mistaken)
not i on expired film,,
next will be BnW film,,
wait for my next result,,
Rindu itu
Rindu itu indah..andai rindu berbalas..
Rindu itu perit..andai rindu hanya sebelah pihak..
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Rindu itu perit..andai rindu hanya sebelah pihak..
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Kau senyum ku gembira
Happy face of friends r my pleasure..tired..restless..but worth it with their smile..
Current mode:can't sleep even now already 3am..
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Current mode:can't sleep even now already 3am..
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
The 80th
Wahaha..tetiba tgk dh ada 80th follower..saya tak expect as I promised..either 80th or 100th follower will got something from me..
So just a simple things to claim ur GA..
1-emel me ur name n address to my
2-y r u following my blog..saja nk GA ka?
3-leave ur blog link here..
Till then..who will be the 100th??hehe..makan tahun la nk dpt angka 100 tu haha..
SaKuRa MiYuKi
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
So just a simple things to claim ur GA..
1-emel me ur name n address to my
2-y r u following my blog..saja nk GA ka?
3-leave ur blog link here..
Till then..who will be the 100th??hehe..makan tahun la nk dpt angka 100 tu haha..
SaKuRa MiYuKi
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Ohman!engineer kalau kita sebut dan sebut dan sebut dh serupa macam sebut anjingliar ja..huhuhu..cuba try sebut tgk ada sama ak..huwaaaa..
Current mode:at opis siapkan keja yg esok nak tender!!watdahell betol la..
Xpala inilah tugas anjiangliar..sobsob..
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Current mode:at opis siapkan keja yg esok nak tender!!watdahell betol la..
Xpala inilah tugas anjiangliar..sobsob..
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Saturday, July 16, 2011
i followed~~~
oh man..i never expect my followers would be 2digits,,hahaha..
now its already 79..hahaha..never come across my mind..
should i give any GA to the 80th follower???or wanna wait till 100th follower??
in a short time if there is the 80th follower,,i shall reward the person,,hehe,,
till now...
sakura miyuki ^_^
now its already 79..hahaha..never come across my mind..
should i give any GA to the 80th follower???or wanna wait till 100th follower??
in a short time if there is the 80th follower,,i shall reward the person,,hehe,,
till now...
sakura miyuki ^_^
Lappy oh Lappy
how i wish i can lay down like this updating my daily life my precious moment my memories up into my blog..
i need a lappy..
event my younger sister owned a netbook..
me myself only have BaBy..
updating everything through BaBy only..
its ok..
be patient,,
one day when i have enough money..
i will seek new one..
pray to God..
murahkan rezeki aku :)
p/s:mood tonite feel wanna blog walking..any blog..any story..
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Indahkan kalau..
Indahkan kalau semua kita citakan menjadi nyata..
Indahkan kalau semua cinta yang kita temui cinta yang hakiki membawa ke jinjang pelamin..
Indahkan kalau semua teman kita faham isi hati kita..
Indahkan kalau ibu bapa kita tahu apa yang kita suka buat untuk diri kita..
Indahkan kalau perkataan 'kalau' itu tak wujud..
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Indahkan kalau semua cinta yang kita temui cinta yang hakiki membawa ke jinjang pelamin..
Indahkan kalau semua teman kita faham isi hati kita..
Indahkan kalau ibu bapa kita tahu apa yang kita suka buat untuk diri kita..
Indahkan kalau perkataan 'kalau' itu tak wujud..
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Monday, July 11, 2011
Be responsible
Hey u!malaysian!!be responsible..go n register for Electoral..that's a responsible as a Malaysian..action speak vote for ur grandchild future..their future in your hands..
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Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Once u ate bitter food the taste will remain on your tongue..unless u drink lots of sweet drinks..
What am I going to conclude here is..
Once u feel the things is will remain da same way u feel until u forget it..start new taste..
Flush them of!
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
What am I going to conclude here is..
Once u feel the things is will remain da same way u feel until u forget it..start new taste..
Flush them of!
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Familia..they r my friends that become part of my family..
When times past..I'm getting older n older..
I'm getting matured n matured..
There will be a turning point..
Where u will realise no matter what happen families r there..
Families r not like friends..that sometimes r hardly reach..
Families no matter how busy they r they will still have time for each other to listen to the problems..
Now I can't leave my family just like that..coz they always support me..
When I'm sad..need place to hugs n cry..
Families r there..
They always help me..
They still there..but they also have their own other commitment..they have their own family to take care+bf+gf+sisters+cousins..
So now I can't lay my back on friends too much..I need to always be prepared that they will not be there all da time I need them..
Love my families..
My english yg macam taik..but I still donno y I sometime love to text in english..haha..
Actually when things r wrote in english by me its usually r from my deeper heart..which means nothing go through my rasional brain..just from heart to hands :)
SaKuRa MiYuKi
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
When times past..I'm getting older n older..
I'm getting matured n matured..
There will be a turning point..
Where u will realise no matter what happen families r there..
Families r not like friends..that sometimes r hardly reach..
Families no matter how busy they r they will still have time for each other to listen to the problems..
Now I can't leave my family just like that..coz they always support me..
When I'm sad..need place to hugs n cry..
Families r there..
They always help me..
They still there..but they also have their own other commitment..they have their own family to take care+bf+gf+sisters+cousins..
So now I can't lay my back on friends too much..I need to always be prepared that they will not be there all da time I need them..
Love my families..
My english yg macam taik..but I still donno y I sometime love to text in english..haha..
Actually when things r wrote in english by me its usually r from my deeper heart..which means nothing go through my rasional brain..just from heart to hands :)
SaKuRa MiYuKi
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Saturday, July 9, 2011
House I wish to own a house..boleh deco2 sendiri..yeahh this modern simple type of deco is my choice..I suka black+white+silver+red..I wish if I have my own house I wanna it to be simple modern style :)
I kalau boleh nak a wide window in da living room or a sliding door to a balcony to see the outside view..rasa macam oh indahnya hidup..huwaaaa..
Bila la nk mampu beli rumah sendiri ni??
Hurmmm wondering n berharap ianya bukan hanya 1 impian huwaaaaaa..
Hope it will be 1 kenyataan Amin!
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
I kalau boleh nak a wide window in da living room or a sliding door to a balcony to see the outside view..rasa macam oh indahnya hidup..huwaaaa..
Bila la nk mampu beli rumah sendiri ni??
Hurmmm wondering n berharap ianya bukan hanya 1 impian huwaaaaaa..
Hope it will be 1 kenyataan Amin!
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Izinkan ku bicara tentang kau..
Tentang aku..
Tentang kita..
Kita pernah bersatu bersama..
Kita pernah berkasih asmara..
Kita pernah bersenyum suka..
Kita pernah punya rasa bahagia..
Kau dan aku..
Punya haluan yang tidak lagi satu..
Kau punya ke situ..
Aku masih lagi kaku..
Kaku memandang kau dalam tangis lesu..
Kau dan aku..
Dunia berbeza..
Aku tetap setia..
Pada kau yang beza..
Bukan kau yg pernah bersama..
Tapi kau yang kini lebih biasa..
Ku tetap setia!
Ku pohon padaNya..
Agar ku kuat melihat kau melala..
Agar ku tabah dengan kau tiada..
Agar ku cekal melangkah tanpa kau..
Agar ku sabar menahan rasa..
SaKuRa MiYuKi
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Izinkan ku bicara tentang kau..
Tentang aku..
Tentang kita..
Kita pernah bersatu bersama..
Kita pernah berkasih asmara..
Kita pernah bersenyum suka..
Kita pernah punya rasa bahagia..
Kau dan aku..
Punya haluan yang tidak lagi satu..
Kau punya ke situ..
Aku masih lagi kaku..
Kaku memandang kau dalam tangis lesu..
Kau dan aku..
Dunia berbeza..
Aku tetap setia..
Pada kau yang beza..
Bukan kau yg pernah bersama..
Tapi kau yang kini lebih biasa..
Ku tetap setia!
Ku pohon padaNya..
Agar ku kuat melihat kau melala..
Agar ku tabah dengan kau tiada..
Agar ku cekal melangkah tanpa kau..
Agar ku sabar menahan rasa..
SaKuRa MiYuKi
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Friday, July 8, 2011
There's a fire starting in my heart!~
There's a fire starting in my heart,
Reaching a fever pitch and it's bring me out the dark.
Finally I can see you crystal clear
Go ahead and sell me out and I'll lay your ship bare.
See how I'll leave, with every piece of you
Don't underestimate the things that I will do.
There's a fire starting in my heart,
Reaching a fever pitch and it's bring me out the dark.
The scars of your love, remind me of us.
They keep me thinking that we almost had it all
The scars of your love, they leave me breathless
I can't help feeling
We could have had it all
Rolling in the deep
You had my heart inside your hand
And you played it
To the beat
Baby I have no story to be told
But I've heard one of you and I'm gonna make your head burn,
Think of me in the depths of your despair
Making a home down there as mine sure won't be shared
The scars of your love, remind you of us.
They keep me thinking that we almost had it all
The scars of your love, they leave me breathless
I can't help feeling
We could have had it all
Rolling in the deep
You had my heart inside your hand
And you played it
To the beat
We could have had it all
Rolling in the deep
You had my heart inside your hand
But you played it
With a beating
Throw your soul threw every open door
Count your blessings to find what you look for
Turn my sorrow into treasured gold
You pay me back in kind and reap just what you sow
We could have had it all
We could have had it all
We could have had it all
Rolling in the deep
You had my heart inside your hand
And you played it to the beat
We could have had it all
Rolling in the deep
You had my heart inside your hand
But you played it,
You played it
You played it to the beat
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Indahnya hidup Perguruan
Hahahaha..I have been visiting my beloved friend,Nisah in ipoh this Public holiday of Penang Heritage day..look at the make me laugh reading their essays..hahaha..
Indahnya hidup perguruan bahasa dapat terapi bila melihat karangan2 dari murid..
Ini adalah apa yg aku rasa kerana aku bukan manusia yg lahir untuk hidup sebagai cikgu..
Ku kata pada kwn ku..
Me:bestnyaaa jd cikgu ari2 baca karangan tgk gelagat murid2 kelakar mcm 1 terapi ja..
Her:banyak la best..ang taw aku sakit kepala nk pikiaq nak marking kertas depa..sakit kepala nk pikiaq camna nak ajaq bagi depa paham..
Waaaa rupanya bukan mudah menjadi cikgu..kita yg tak da ilmu perguruan ni mmg nampak macam fun ja keja diorang..p pagi balik tengahari..
Busheet la..p pagi balik pn selalunya petang..pas sekolah ada lak meeting..balik meeting ada lak koko..balik koko,mlm kena lak wat keja marking buku..prepare utk pengajaran esoknya..weekend lak ada lak kekadang kena g kursus..
Wah3 dari pemerhatian penghidupan kawan2 ku ini amat berat tugas mereka..
Tapi okla tuh korang nk keja tak perlu susah2 besaing nk buat resume cun2 nk dpt CGPA power2 supaya dapat memikat hati sang Company utk offer job..Indahkan..
Setiap perjalanan hidup kita ada liku perit dan indah masing2..apapon kita kena sedar kita punya tanggungjawab tersendiri..
SaKuRa MiYuki ^_^
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Indahnya hidup perguruan bahasa dapat terapi bila melihat karangan2 dari murid..
Ini adalah apa yg aku rasa kerana aku bukan manusia yg lahir untuk hidup sebagai cikgu..
Ku kata pada kwn ku..
Me:bestnyaaa jd cikgu ari2 baca karangan tgk gelagat murid2 kelakar mcm 1 terapi ja..
Her:banyak la best..ang taw aku sakit kepala nk pikiaq nak marking kertas depa..sakit kepala nk pikiaq camna nak ajaq bagi depa paham..
Waaaa rupanya bukan mudah menjadi cikgu..kita yg tak da ilmu perguruan ni mmg nampak macam fun ja keja diorang..p pagi balik tengahari..
Busheet la..p pagi balik pn selalunya petang..pas sekolah ada lak meeting..balik meeting ada lak koko..balik koko,mlm kena lak wat keja marking buku..prepare utk pengajaran esoknya..weekend lak ada lak kekadang kena g kursus..
Wah3 dari pemerhatian penghidupan kawan2 ku ini amat berat tugas mereka..
Tapi okla tuh korang nk keja tak perlu susah2 besaing nk buat resume cun2 nk dpt CGPA power2 supaya dapat memikat hati sang Company utk offer job..Indahkan..
Setiap perjalanan hidup kita ada liku perit dan indah masing2..apapon kita kena sedar kita punya tanggungjawab tersendiri..
SaKuRa MiYuki ^_^
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Memories will fade from mind by the time..
But memories will remain in deeper heart..
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
But memories will remain in deeper heart..
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
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