otak mereng..
decided to find sme space for myself..
wthout think twice,,
i took a bus to penang...
cos theres the place that easily for me to find peace,calmness,love,beach,moonlight,,
trus roger syada,,
then smp sana syada still hve class,,
i kol amad,,
ask him to fetch me,,
amad fetch me up,,
then have a tme wth him at jusco perda..
lpk2 smp dia pon mgonline kan jumaatnya,,
halal la no amad,,
aku xpaksa ang ponn,,
ang yg rela..
BTW thnx sbb lpk dgn aku,,
then amad antr aku p kat syada,,
lpk la bsama syada,,
then kuar antr ayu dia nk g kl,,
ayu ni kwn syada,,
then lps tu ktorg blur xtaw nk lpk mn,,
sbb tgh pokai+tgh pns,,
so nk lpk pon kang hitam legam lak km,,
aku ckp kt blk lpk blk ja,,
kang kt kuar buka posa sm2,,
then blk bilik syada,,
lpk2 roger dear anne ajk buka sm2,,
dh jnj nk buka sm dgn dia,,
alang2 aku da kt sana ajk la sx,,
then xtaw nk buka mn,,
apa lg mcd la jwbnya,,
mka aku pon g mcd dgn syada+anne+chibi+umi..
chibi=rumet anne..
umi=rumet syada..
aku xdala bw rumet kerna rumet ku mst blk manjung tme tuh,,
aku mkn cm besa la double cis beger tp aku ada extra mc flurry,,
anne blnja,,
dia ckp mkn ice cream gve her calmness when saddness appear,,
btl ak anne??
BTW thnx dear..
k finish that nite,,
pas buka blk bilik smula,,
then syada g traweh,,
aku pon lpk la sowg2 dlm blk dia,,
apa lg bfacebook jala aku,,
then dok sat aku pon pk nk std utk test,,
dan la aku buka 2lecture,,
then asyik bsn+mnguap ja,,
syada dh tdr,,
last2 aku g borak dgn anne,,
borak bg nk lbam,,
nsb xsmp subuh,,hahaha
pas borak km pon msk tdr la,,
nek lbm dh mata msg2,,
then bmula la ari baru~~
aku bgn dh kul bpa ek,,
then mlyn muvi bisu dgn syada,,
sbb audio laptop dia rosak
jnj leh phm sudah,,
bc sub ja rr,,
pas zuhur km pon start roney..
roney is syada's myv..
pa lg journey to the island la,,
dte dgn eida jg,,
g pusing2 area komtar cr eida,,
then took eida togather,,
move to feringgi~~
there we stat on our tme togather,,
love eida n syada much2,,
i had throw my pain my serabutness into the sea..
brg back the epiness memory i hv wth them..
but scar in my heart will remain..
k la,,itu ja kot utk beach sunlite moonlite,,
hehehe,,napa i put that name??
cos beach+moonlight gve me lots of meaning n wonderful memory~~
but seems hard to have moonlite syada replace it wth sunlite,,
BTW i enjoy it,,
walaupon sunburn sket2,,hehehe
wah pnjg ckp,,
pic xda msk2,,meh msk pic,,lalalaaa,,
last but not least..mlm tu g bbuka dgn eida n syada kat area2 muzium perang,,
not bad la kt situ,,
kra ok lah,,
then hantar eida blk USM,,
then g jempur dear anne..
dia nk tmpg blk maktab bsama,,
blk la km b3 k maktab,,
damn tired,,
ttdo lupa sgala mslh,,
esk pg bgn2 ja trus siap2 nk blk ipoh,,
utp is waiting 4me,,
kmbali ke alam utp rrr..
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