anybody hve idea wat is OBS??
me myself 1st nver noe wat it is...
now i know..
wat it is??
a place where...
u experience it by urself..
then fill in the dotdotdot....
from my heart..
i realy love this OBS...
gve me new version of myself..
gve me new spirit..
gve me new thought bout somethng..someone..some2...
wat it all about..
just let me keep in my heart..
i feel it..
i love it...
now the sharing moment of OBS..
my team mate ashlee did a great great great talk on our OBS week...
visit hers 4 more info...
ni review dr part aku la...
its a 7days course..
where kt sini smua hp+electronic gadget+money ktorang kt serahkan..
dh mcm pndatang dh kmi kt sna,,
apa pon tarak...
only pkaian sndr ja..
ramai yg pk 1st gila la nk hdup smgu tnpa smua bnda..
tnpa HANDPHONE trutamanya,,
pity to those yg da gf bf,,
rndu kaw2 la,, hahaha..
aku blh ja hdp tp aku xleh hdp jg,,,
ayt cam keling,,
sbb apa aku kata blh n xblh,,
sbbnya aku blh hdp tnpa hp sbb xda owg kol msg aku sgt,,
tp aku xleh hdp sbb hp adalah camera aku jg,,
gla xda camera..
sadis kot,,
cmna aku nk freeze kan every moment yg bmakna dlm diriku utk tatapan ms dpan,, wawawa..
larat nk store dlm otk ja,,
dh tua otk dh pudar,,
apakan daya,,
rules is a rules...
just follow...
in OBS ktorng tdri from 32student..
n divided to 3 group...
me in KORBU which is the best team i feel..
with da best instrustor we have,,
walaupon ktorang smua xda hp+camera..
luckily MJ msh syg moment bsama ktorang,,
so all da pic in here credit to MJ,,
dia yg snap from his hp,,
dlm KORBU ada 12 org mulanya..
but on 3rd day..
Hafiz kna blk sbb dia xsehat..
so ktorang mneruskan khidupan 11owg ja..
papon km xpnh lupakn kwujudan hafiz...
1st day...
just briefing..
get to noe each other,,,
[aku xsuka crita ksluruhan..cita KORBU jala ek:D]

stat from left..
selama mnjalani khidupan di OBS..
ktorang da 2 xpdition..
1st whaling about 40km...
damn aku xpnh2 seasick..
tme whaling aku leh seasick..
mntah2 aku..
luckily aku xlmbik trus..
ktorang da 2 xpdition..
1st whaling about 40km...
damn aku xpnh2 seasick..
tme whaling aku leh seasick..
mntah2 aku..
luckily aku xlmbik trus..
sailing moment..
best gla walaupon kejap...
me n MJ..
best gla walaupon kejap...

the nex day...
ktorang kayak plak...
kayak ke pulau sedagas,,
we go around 6-7km..
tp esknya nk blk OB...
ktorang kayak almost 20km..
sbb ktorng g pusing pulau katak dl...
kayak back to OB..
aku partner dgn king..
luckily tme kayak,,
walaupon ktorg 2 2 seasick people..
tp on kayak day..
we manage to control the seasick..
love it so much,,
thnx king 4 all da suport tru out the kayak..
ktorang kayak plak...
kayak ke pulau sedagas,,
we go around 6-7km..
tp esknya nk blk OB...
ktorang kayak almost 20km..
sbb ktorng g pusing pulau katak dl...

aku partner dgn king..
luckily tme kayak,,
walaupon ktorg 2 2 seasick people..
tp on kayak day..
we manage to control the seasick..
love it so much,,
thnx king 4 all da suport tru out the kayak..
tu ja expidition ktorang tru out kt OBS..
nmpk cm sket ja ek,,
nmpk cm sket ja ek,,
ktorang camp out la evrytme do da expdition..
ms whaling ktorang camp out kt kg shawal..
sini mmg gla survivor rr..
mnd pon pkai air tlaga kot..
mn ada tndas..
nk mmbuang ka do bussiness ka,,
mmg 360' free open maa..
plh ja port mn suka,,
bw cangkul..
dig dig da hole,,
then buang la puas2,,,hahaha..
wat an experience it is..
bla lg nk rasa kan,,hehehe..
kt pulau shawal..
me do da cook part..
smua owg mkn air tgn aku,,
dinner at the beach in dark..
here where we diner..
makan dlm gelap..
men bedal ja,,
apa msk mulut telan ja,,
lauk apa pon tgu msk mulut br detect,..
oh ini naci,,ini pasir,ini telur....
papon we have a great moment dine at the beach in dark..
agak romance moment jg la,,
klu owg sll nk candle lite diner kat beach,,
tp ktorang torchlite diner at beach,,
kra ala2 la kan,,
ktorang camp out la evrytme do da expdition..
ms whaling ktorang camp out kt kg shawal..
sini mmg gla survivor rr..
mnd pon pkai air tlaga kot..
mn ada tndas..
nk mmbuang ka do bussiness ka,,
mmg 360' free open maa..
plh ja port mn suka,,
bw cangkul..
dig dig da hole,,
then buang la puas2,,,hahaha..
wat an experience it is..
bla lg nk rasa kan,,hehehe..
kt pulau shawal..
me do da cook part..
smua owg mkn air tgn aku,,
dinner at the beach in dark..

makan dlm gelap..
men bedal ja,,
apa msk mulut telan ja,,
lauk apa pon tgu msk mulut br detect,..
oh ini naci,,ini pasir,ini telur....
papon we have a great moment dine at the beach in dark..
agak romance moment jg la,,
klu owg sll nk candle lite diner kat beach,,
tp ktorang torchlite diner at beach,,
kra ala2 la kan,,
2nd expedition plak,,
ktorang camp out kat pulau sedagas,,
aku took part cook lg,,
hbs la dak2 korbu mst nk mkn air tgn aku ja pas nih,,
moment of perasan jap ek,,
that nite,,
after ktorang diner ktrang da discusion..
ktorang camp out kat pulau sedagas,,
aku took part cook lg,,
hbs la dak2 korbu mst nk mkn air tgn aku ja pas nih,,
moment of perasan jap ek,,
that nite,,
after ktorang diner ktrang da discusion..
on how to improve the kayak skill utk esk pnya expedition yg ktorang pusing pulau katak tuh,,
jauh gak kan,,
so kna la discus spaya xda owg xcicir,,
xda yg pancit,,
xda yg ....
nite of dicusen,,
king nih every pic nk nganga ja,,
nth papa..
lynkan aja ek,,
enuft on the expidition..
now end of da journey in OBS..
we had a BBQ nite..
where every team kna perform..
our performance ada ja vdeo..
nk uplod ka,,hahaha..
will thnk later,,
now let me ckp2 dl k.,
mlm bbq tuh,,
team aku KORBU kna part cook,,

jauh gak kan,,
so kna la discus spaya xda owg xcicir,,
xda yg pancit,,
xda yg ....

king nih every pic nk nganga ja,,
nth papa..
lynkan aja ek,,
enuft on the expidition..
now end of da journey in OBS..
we had a BBQ nite..
where every team kna perform..
our performance ada ja vdeo..
nk uplod ka,,hahaha..
will thnk later,,
now let me ckp2 dl k.,
mlm bbq tuh,,
team aku KORBU kna part cook,,
so ktrg pon gather ptg tu bakar ayam sosej smua la..

sesi mbakar ayam..
korbu's teamwork...

group gading be doing on the cleaning part,,
group tahan setup da bbq place..
then the nite come...
permulaan mlm BBQ of petronas 8/09
pnutup bbq nite..
gahter to listen last talk by the instructor..
group tahan setup da bbq place..
then the nite come...

gahter to listen last talk by the instructor..
las day on OBS,,
br la ktorang dberi smula brg2 yg kna banned tu,,
that tme,,
apa lg,,
lepas gian amik pic rr,,
here sme i would like to share,,
some ja ek,,
not all,,
korbu+kian missing,,haiya...
gather wth MJ giving us the OB pin,,
pin ka bnda tuh,,lupa nma lak,,huhu..
pic xda lak,,
pnyerahan journal to MJ..
group korbu ja ada journal wa ckp lu,,
wat a specel grop we r,,
the guys of KORBU
the girls of KORBU
KORBU wth MJ..
balik tme..
bjalan ke bus,,
bus xleh msk sbb byk sgt kreta kt luar,,
mnapak la jwbnya,,
otw bck,,
singgah kdai hasil laut jamilah,,
bli la apa yg kalian nk,,
aku xbli apa pon,,
nnt mkn gatal2,,
mls aku,,
finally..reach utp..
smua blk umh msg2,,
aku stay utp,,
smp utp dlm kul1 lbh,,
msg2 lapor,,
g ipoh nk mkn nci ganja,,
mlgnya tutup,,
then apa lg..
g mkn vangey rr,,
lapo kot,,
licin ja aku telan,,hahaha
nice memory...
love all in OBS,,
br la ktorang dberi smula brg2 yg kna banned tu,,
that tme,,
apa lg,,
lepas gian amik pic rr,,
here sme i would like to share,,
some ja ek,,
not all,,

pin ka bnda tuh,,lupa nma lak,,huhu..
pic xda lak,,
group korbu ja ada journal wa ckp lu,,
wat a specel grop we r,,

bjalan ke bus,,
bus xleh msk sbb byk sgt kreta kt luar,,
mnapak la jwbnya,,

singgah kdai hasil laut jamilah,,
bli la apa yg kalian nk,,
aku xbli apa pon,,
nnt mkn gatal2,,
mls aku,,
finally..reach utp..
smua blk umh msg2,,
aku stay utp,,
smp utp dlm kul1 lbh,,
msg2 lapor,,
g ipoh nk mkn nci ganja,,
mlgnya tutup,,
then apa lg..
g mkn vangey rr,,
lapo kot,,
licin ja aku telan,,hahaha
nice memory...
love all in OBS,,
makin chubby hg...
sm la kita hahaha
tserlah kchubian aku ek,,
wawawawa..pasni jom diet
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